sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2018

Facetracking trial 01

Using Syntheyes 2011 and Cinema 4D I was able to track the head movement

basic bitch from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

What I learned: There's a slight difference between the face tracking e-makeup artists are doing and this one that I tried: Most instagram people don't make expressions, the tracking is the movement of the head.

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2018

Cinema 4D explorations

In order to acquire more experience with 3D on Cinema 4D, I decided to create some shapes related to my previous "parasite deities" concept.

sending good vibes from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

What did I learn: Cinema 4D is extremely versatile and a great tool for making organic shapes. My next step will be selecting a few shapes I like and use in a video or in the mannequin.

Projection mapping + mannequin head

Face mapping on Illustrator

beautykiller from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

the eyes are the Seoul from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

Animation on Photoshop 

new palette from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

Collage on Premiere 1

wake up, pearl from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

Collage on Premiere 2

darkness is here from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

Collage on Premiere 3

What did I learn: As done before, the tracking of the face is easy to achieve, but the level of animation with motions I want to achieve requires more experience on 3D, which will practice from now on and combine both. 

final booklet