domingo, 30 de setembro de 2018

vvvv - path assembly

Making rainbow move up and down with the mouse

Making the row of colors appear and disappear with the mouse

Tracking tryouts - Cinema 4D

First try - MOV video with 4 different tracking points and normal head movements, for some reason I couldn't export the tracking information into Cinema 4D object tracking, option "Run 3D solver" unavailable. I checked online and seems like the problem was the path.

Fixed all the red paths and wrong tracking frame by frame...same situation

Second try - Recorded another video with slow head movements and only two very visible tracking points, unfortunately, same situation, but tracking quality was much better.

Checked online for solutions again, most tutorials people had started using images instead of movie files for their footage.

Converted into images.

Even though tracking worked perfectly, the object tracking had the same situation.

Ableton explorations

Track 01

Track 02

Track 01 - Ableton path

Track 02 - Ableton Path

Track 01 - Final exploration

Track 02 - Final exploration

domingo, 16 de setembro de 2018

Projection Mapping - 2nd try

Illustrator (Full screen + fit into the screen)


Paper pyramid with projection

Selected gifs + Adobe premiere

bloom from Tiago de Sousa on Vimeo.

final booklet